YouTube Revanced APK is not a single application that comes from this Revanced community. This Revanced project holds other applications like Revanced TikTok, Revanced Lightroom, Revanced Reddit, Revanced Twitch, And YouTube Revanced Music. One of the developers of YouTube Vanced has participated in this Revaced project and introduced it to the globe with its best applications. It is already said that Revanced continuing the legacy of Vanced so the inclusive features that you are getting have probably never been used before. The most interesting feature of this system is that you can customize your experience with particular applications by applying feature patches to them within this Revanced project. This makes your usage of the applications even better than before. You will patches like background play, block-specific ads, and many more of them. Use these patches to make the interior editions to your application as you want.

App NameReVanced YouTube
Size97 MB
DeveloperTeam ReVanced

ReVanced for Root Android